Ceramic Designers Association is a member-driven organization. We provide a platform for clay artists to connect on a regular basis to share ideas through regular meetings, workshops, gallery exhibitions, and participation in charitable events. We also offer a Facebook group to ask questions and share your work whenever you want. Membership also gives you discounted workshop fees.
Dues are $35 for an individual, and $55 for a family.
How to Become a Member
Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st.
Membership is limited to individuals 18 or older.
Send your Member Application and check to:
Julita Wood
Ceramic Designers Association
2253 Cherrystone Rd
Cape Charles, VA 23310
JOIN OR RENEW using Pay Pal or a Credit Card
1. Complete Member application and mail it to
address above,
2. To pay online, make a selection below:
Individual $35
Family $55
CDA Membership Application